Saturday morning I went for a walk on the beach at low tide with Mindy and Judge. The coast is very flat here, so lots of beach is exposed at low tide. Needless to say, Judge had a great time running on the open beach and splashing through the shallow puddles.

In the evening, I hosted a pizza party at Mindy's house (Casa do Judge) with friends I've met and worked with and their families.

The kids enjoyed making music with Mindy's assortment of traditional instruments.

It was also a chance to once again share stories of our adventures with my IETA co-conspirators, Jackie & Shelia.

Finally, a last group photo with my professional and housing hosts - Beth, Mindy, and Peter. I've definitely made friendships that will endure the span of oceans and time.

Oh, Steve! You're missed. Sheila and I had our first Presedential sighting this evening when we were passed in the Southern Sun lobby by the Pres of Madagascar. Hope all is well! Keep us updated when you can.